Saturday, February 5, 2011

Well, I guess Mubarak's gotta go now. What about our own amazing netas?

Everyone here , at least the motivated and the ones yearning for a political change, we're all for doing an Egypt right here in India. Well, there are loads reasons that wont work out. For starters, the World Cups approaching, so no cricket fan in his right mind would help. And by 'cricket fan' , we can safely assume its the whole of India.
And as many have pointed out, we don't have any huge 'Square' in India, which can accommodate millions of people. I guess we could demolish a few 'housing scam' apartments, hell, we have plenty of those in India!

But seriously, the real question is what after we overthrow the government? It will be cake walk for a few million Indians to stand on the streets and protest, and no government dare stay after that. But after one corrupt party goes, the next one will be in power, with possibly new laws in action to prevent any similar  protest from us during their rule. We after all, are a democracy... A change in the ruling party wouldn't mean much to us except new faces. So what then?

 The key is for us to make sure we don't give any chance for the word 'corrupt' to prevail in India. It sounds impossible, I know, but its not. We just have to start with the small things. Like, the way we just slip the traffic cop a hundred bucks note, the way we buy cheap fake CD's, all that should go. When we're able to say that we're fully law abiding citizens, that's precisely when we can point fingers towards politicians. Our corruption essentially fuels theirs. I'm not saying I'm some saintly corruption free person either, I'm trying to stop it in myself too. I'm just saying that we should start in any small way we can, and in the end we will finally just be perfect. And that's when we can tell them to either mend themselves, or take a walk.

So, though I'm saying that an Egypt won't be possible in India, don't lose hope. I'm just saying it won't be possible NOW. Cross your fingers and keep your hopes up people. And when you see those street side CD stands, take my advice, Run away before it breaks your resolve!

What to do in the meanwhile

I think a good place to start would be to ask for the most fuel-efficient engines out there. Get rid of those old cars you’ve had since you were eighteen! In fact, go one better, buy one of those new-fangled electric cars. But for those of who don’t want to buy a new car, use catalytic converters. They are an ingenious way of curbing pollution. They convert that deadly gas, carbon monoxide into the less deadly, but still deadly, carbon dioxide.

Also, for those of you who still use old refrigerators: Buy a new one. Those new ones you see in showrooms use much less Chlouro-Flouro Carbons and also, are much shinier. So, you’ll be impressing your friends and saving the ozone layer. What more can you ask for?

Advice for all of you: OLD IS NOT GOLD ANYMORE, PEOPLE!

And, I know you’ve heard this a million times: Do not accept plastic bags! They cause major damage to soil. Therefore, if you reduce the use of plastic, you could be averting the next big famine! So, you could be saving lots of money used to buy pesticides, fertilizers, etc.

And, please, consider going organic. I know organic vegetables are ridiculously overpriced, so...don’t buy them, grow your own! In fact, a man in Bangalore grows all his vegetables on his terrace and here’s the amazing part: without ANY chemical fertilizers or pesticides! He only used ground neem leaves as a pesticide and gobar as fertilizer. And he even sells the excess, with a huge profit. It’s a wonderful hobby and a ingenious way of saving money!

And for those of you who have gardens, please plant a least one tree! It could really help. In fact, a survey conducted by Greenpeace shows that if at least one in twenty people planted a tree, rain patterns, pollution, destruction of the ozone layer and global warming could take a turn for the best.

In fact, if one in a hundred of us Indians protested against the mass cutting of trees in the major cities, the government WOULD listen! So, please, make a change, even a small change, for the ability to change is in our hands.

What we should stop first.

Since I've decided to finally do something instead of the usual moaning and sighing after checking the news channel or reading the paper, maybe I should start off by saying that I fully believe we can bring the change we need.

In India, we have a huge population, a population which is thirsting to emerge as the shining star. We're the land of millions of dreams, literally. Its just that while we're brilliant and want to show it, we ignore the small things that keep us from doing so. I'm not saying that nothing is possible in India, on the contrary I'm saying that everything is. We just need to realize the things that will eventually bring our downfall. We actually do realize those things, but the problem is that we DON'T do anything about it. For a day or so, it remains hot news on all the news stations, with raging debates and fingers pointing towards all directions. In the end, we just sigh and say "This is India."

My ultimate goal in life is to stop that attitude of ours. We should be able to do something. We should be able to stop our enemies once for all, instead of the mightily popular game of You-Poke_Me_I-Poke-You-We-Both-Bleed. The main things keeping us from being the best is a HUGE bunch of unpatriotic politicians, stupid superstitions, and our prevailing notion that we're stupid snake charmers!

We have to move on! We need to be able to go out boldly and say that we are NOT dumb people and that we ARE  the best.
We need to push away the barriers of religion, language, caste, age or anything else stopping us, and say that we are one. We need confidence and faith in our power, or nothing will be possible.

That will be just the beginning.